Joined: November 21, 2010
Posts: 1
Posted: Post subject: Getting fired for having an accident during a storm advisory |
I was driving for a water & oil trucking company during a winter storm advisory and had an accident thanks to the snow, rolled the semi, hit my head and hurt my shoulder. The police, called in by Conoco actually gave me a $30 minor moving violation ticket, I was not speeding in the slightest and I was on a private road. When the safety crew got there they were more concerned with documenting the scene and completely ignored me. I had to request for them to take me to the hospital! They kept saying that I was fine... I guess to them not being dead after a wreck like that means fine. Even the police officer didn't care about my injuries, all he cared about was retrieving my log book and CDL license and writing me the ticket.
When I got to the emergency room, the nurse couldn't see the welted abrasion on my skull and didn't even bother cleansing the laceration with anything. They x-rayed my shoulder and sent me home. The doctor asked me if I was planning on going back to work right away... as if I'm the one that went to school for 8 years for a medical degree to determine whether or not someone is physically able to work! I'm a truck driver, for crying out loud! They should know better at the hospital how to help their patients get the best treatment as well as have some protocol that will help with coping with exploitative employers and the (corrupt) worker's comp system. I will probably be fired after this, because I had one verbal warning at my job and my boss said if I messed up again I would be let go (despite the employee rules saying that you get fired after getting written up twice).
Does anyone have any advice for how to handle this situation, because I have an awful feeling I'm about to be royally screwed over by Big Oil. I've worked at this company for a little over 3 months.